A Few Good Reads


If there is one thing that I have always loved, that would be reading.

There is something about a good book that transports you. It lets you see the world through another person's eyes, in places and situations that you would most likely not experience on your own skin.

This year I made a plan to read as much as possible. I spent the better part of the last five years with my nose stuck in a textbook (as you can imagine, those aren't quite as interesting!).

So far I've made some really good progress, and for that reason, I thought I would share with you some of my favourites.

I've also added my overall rating of the books - out of five ♡

the Alchemist, Paolo Coelho

This is the first of Paolo's books that I have read, and it is arguably the most well known.

The Alchemist was one of the most unique books I have ever read, and really provoked so many questions within me. Coelho's writing style is so different, it is almost spiritual - but without making any specific references to religion. I found this aspect so mesmerizing. The story is really full of wisdom.

The theme of this book is about having a dream (your personal legend), and working towards that dream. There will be obstcales in your way, people who will try to take advantage of you, and you will even be faced with self doubt. All of these experiences should not be taken as setbacks, but as pieces of the puzzle that will guide you to achieving your hopes and dreams.

Overall Rating: ♡♡♡♡♡

♡THe fault in our stars, john green

I have to admit that I cheated a little bit on this one, as I had already seen the movie prior to reading this book. However, this usually doesn't spoil the fun for me, and it definitely didn't with this book.

Gus and Hazel's story is really such a sweet one. Even though both characters are fighting their own battles, they really do remain just regular teenagers, and I found myself forgetting that they were sick. This must have been what John was aiming for, and he did this so well.

Stories like this remind me to savour each day, to not "sweat the small stuff" and to always seek and do whatever makes you happy. I really wish I was more like Augustus, and that I had his ability to spread such enthusiasm about life to all those around me.

Although the story is very sad when you think about it as a whole, I found this book so wonderful and uplifting. Even at the end, I was smiling through my tears.

Overall Rating: ♡♡♡

♡me before you, jojo moyes

I recently discovered Jojo Moyes, after reading the Girl you Left Behind. After finishing that book in less than a week, I knew that I had to see what else Jojo Moyes had to offer.

In essence,  this story is quite similar to the Fault in Our Stars. However, I would say this is more of a mature book just based on the characters and story line.

This is definitely an a-typical love story, in that Louisa and Will aren't exactly Cinderella and Prince Charming. In fact, they are worlds apart. They don't even like each other at the beginning of the story. However, this does make for some pretty entertaining conversations (with most of the jabs coming from Will).

Louisa really showed Will what life was about. She showed him how to be happy again despite all the struggle, and that was the greatest gift she could have given him.

I am a lover of happy endings, and I think this a-typical love story had the best a-typical "happy" end possible.

Overall Rating: ♡♡♡

♡A Thousand splendid suns, khaled hosseini

This is a fantastic book, a truly inspirational one.

This story follows two different women, Mariam and Laila, and how their lives suddenly become intertwined. Their journey is one of love, resilience and a never-dying hope for a life that they once lived.

The best way to describe this book is powerful. Mariam and Laila are such powerful women despite all of the horrible things they endure. Their lust for life never dies regardless of their bleak prospects.

Khaled Hosseini really paints the picture of his novels so incredibly well. His words are filled with emotion, and although these emotions are usually very difficult ones, he conveys them in such a moving manner that really connects you to the characters.

From the first to the last page of this book, I found myself gasping, crying, smiling, and raising my fists in the air as I knew that Mariam and Laila would triumph.

Overall Rating: ♡♡♡♡♡


I was so surprised by this novel. Straight from the beginning, this book captured my attention. Usually, I give each book I read a 50 page "test". If I can't get into the book after 50 pages, I'll usually stop reading. This definitely was not the case with this book.

The book starts off by describing the tale of Sophie Lefevre in her small village of Saint Peronne during the First World War. Again here, we see a fearless woman so strong and resilient. Reading about Sophie's life during the war was so interesting. It felt as if I was living with them, through all the tense and incredibly dangerous moments. I honestly think that if I had been in her situation, I wouldn't have made it.

Many years later, we are introduced to Liv. Her husband has just passed away, and she is struggling to find her way, until she meets Paul who gives her the first glimmer of hope.

You might be wondering how these two women are related? and that is the best part of the story (which I definitely will not reveal to you now!) Jojo Moyes completely surprised me here - Even though Sophie and Liv are born ages apart, and lead completely different lives - she joins the women together in such a unique way. It is safe to say that Sophie is once again put through a battle, but this time in the 21st century!

I have to admit that I actually enjoyed this book more than Me Before You (I know, I know). It really grabbed my attention and pulled me in.

If you are looking for romance however, don't be fooled - this book has plenty of it!

Rating: ♡♡♡♡

Have any of you read these books? What were your thoughts - I would love to hear them.

If you have any recommendations for me, I'm always search for another good read!

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  1. I love Jojo Moyes, funnily enough I couldn't get into The Girl you left behind... maybe I should give it another try. I loved Me Before You, it had me crying and can't wait to see the movie. Have you read the sequel to Me Before you?
    - Clare B

    1. Hi Clare!

      You should definitely give it another shot, I think you will be pleasantly surprised :)

      I am so excited to watch the movie. I can't wait to see the characters come to life (and to see Sam Claflin's face in HD... ahhh)

      Yes, I have heard there is a sequel - but I haven't read it. To be honest, I'm a little bit nervous about it. I loved the original story so much that I almost want to keep it preserved just as it is. However, I'm sure that curiosity will eventually get the better of me!

      Thanks so much for your comment!
      - Ana

  2. Back in high school one of my required readings was a book by Khaled Hosseini called "The Kite Runner" (you've probably heard about it or read it already) and it was truly a very powerful and gripping novel. Now that I see he is one of your recommendations I will for sure give it a read this summer!
    ps: love the blog!!!


    1. Hi Stefani :)

      Yes, I also read the Kite Runner in high school - what a coincidence! Completing my homework while we were reading this book was so easy because I was always reading ahead. (I can't say that was the case for some the other books though!)

      Let me know if you read it, because I think you definitely won't be able to put it down!

      - Ana
