Top Tips - Learning to be Productive


"There just aren't enough hours in a day!" 

"2PM already?! - how can that be?"
"I've only got a 10 minutes to get ready!!"

 Let's face it. You've been there, I've been there, we've all been there and we always try to push this feeling to the back of our brain.
"...but I just can't relax, I have a million things to do today." 

Sometimes time just escapes us, and although it's nice just to sit around sometimes and just pass the hours (preferably with a coffee in hand, and a good book) - unfortunately our responsibilities don't wait!

For that reason, I'm going to share with you my top tips on learning to become more productive.

The faster you get things done, the more time you have to enjoy that coffee (and maybe even two)!

1. Make a list, and check it twice!
You have tonnes of things to do, but where to start? This tip will help you to keep track of tasks by jotting them down (that meeting next week - you won't forget it this time!)

The way I usually do this is by using several different tools. For long-term plans (usually ones that are further than two weeks away) I'll write them down in a calendar-style planner. I also make a point of checking it once a week (usually on Sunday evenings) and at the start of every month to see what lies ahed in the next couple of weeks. The calendar format in which you can see the whole month is great because it helps you to visualize and to see how many days are between different events. I found this extremely helping while I was in school because it was easy to see how many days I had between exams, tests and assignments. 

The current planner that I am using is this one from Muji. I love that it is totally customizable so that you can add in whatever you please. If you're like me, you can also decorate it with pretty stickers. And yes - to those asking, stickers ARE important, especially the sparkly ones.

For daily tasks (or sometimes even for a few days) I love using this Muji notepad because you can tick the box next to your tasks when they are complete. Once again, it is totally customizable and gives you enough space to write down whatever you may have on your plate for the day. 

2. Don't underestimate the power of your smart phone
"There's an app for that."
If they're called Smart Phones - then it must be for a reason! - and it's not because you can play Pokemon Go on them.  

Unfortunately it can't lock you out of your favourite game app before you reach level 150, but it can help to make you more productive!

There are some fabulous app out there that you can download to make your life easier - but for now I'll just talk about the basics! You know those apps that you never use? the ones that you clump together and put at the very last home page? - well, not anymore you won't!

The "Reminders" application is a great tool to use as a check list, as you can have several different categories going at the same time. This makes it easy to separate school, work and home tasks. You can also set up the application to remind you of something due on a certain day and time - and even at a certain location! In the right-hand corner of the application, the is a total number of outstanding tasks left on your checklist. Once you tick some off the list, this number goes down. This is a great way to quickly give you an idea of tasks that are at hand. 

A very similar tool is actually the clock on your phone! This is another way to set reminders for yourself of different things you need to do (like wake up every morning). 
You can set the alarms to repeat every day, every week or just for a one-time task. This is great for things like paying your credit card bill. Set the alarm once a month, and you'll never be late on your payments! 

3. Don't plan on overachieving
Set yourself manageable goals that are realistic! Don't plan for things that you know you won't be able to do. (I am totally guilty of this one)

For instance, if you know you can't read more than 100 pages worth of readings for your upcoming lectures at school, then don't even attempt to do it! Likewise if you have plans in the evening, don't set yourself up to re-organize your whole life before 5pm. By making overly optimistic plans you are simply setting yourself up for failure and you'll just end up stressed out that you didn't follow your schedule. Remember, always prioritize your responsibilities and deadlines - but don't overdo it! 

4. Don't worry if you fail
Now, the most important thing is not to be angry when you don't achieve everything that you set out to do. Sometimes these things happen, and it's totally okay! However, that being said, it's not alright if you spent the whole day scrolling through Instagram or browsing the latest on-line sale (unless these were on your list!) when you were suppose to be studying. Don't ignore responsibilities when they exist, because chances are they aren't going anywhere anytime soon!

5. It's All About Balance
As with most things in life, it's all about balance! It's important not to push yourself too much, as you run the risk of undoing all the good you did by spending a particularly busy week at the sofa watching a whole season of Friends. It is important to know when enough is enough! Everyone warrants to put their feet up once in a while and not feel guilty about doing so. 

There is nothing better than some positive reinforcement to recognize good behaviour. (treats, anyone?) Sometimes the best reward is simply ticking off your most dreaded task. Don't forget to pump your fists in the air - Hoorah for those small victories! Rewarding yourself however you choose will encourage your mind to keep at it, and it will show you that you can achieve what you set out to do, all while maintaining that perfect balance!

I hope that these tips were both practical and useful for any of you out there! I tried my best to give you some actionable tips which which you can change your habits and your mind-set. 

Now it's time to put them to the test. Turn off that TV, get your checklist out and let's get this done because... our coffee is getting cold!

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